Art Classes
Located at art629 Gallery
629 Cookman Ave, Asbury Park, NJ 07712

Life Drawing With Nude Model
Every Monday 6-8PM
$25: Supplies Included
(18x24 Newsprint pad, charcoal, pencils, erasers)
$20: Bring Your Own Supplies
*Instruction Provided As Needed*
*Professional nude model*
*Space is Limited*
*Poses range from 5-30 minutes*
Please Register in advance for this Monday
by clicking links below through venmo or paypal,
or contact Brittany 908-278-1597
No experience Necessary
All levels welcome from terrified beginners to confident artists!
Model Schedule
Friday Feb 7:
Long Pose with Hayley
Same pose for 2 hours
$25 BYO supplies any medium​
Monday Feb 10: Natalie
Monday Feb 17: Rachel
Mon. Feb 24 & March 3: No Classes
Monday March 10: Dan
Friday March 14:
Long Pose with Kathy
Same pose for 2 hours
$25 BYO supplies any medium
Monday March 17: Rye
Monday March 24: Ashley
Monday March 31:
2 models!
$25 BYO supplies or
$30 supplies included
When registering through Paypal or Venmo, please indicate which class(es) you are attending

Saturdays 11am-1pm
Oil & Acrylic Painting, Drawing, Charcoal, or Pastel
*NO CLASS FEB 22 & March 1*
This Class is For Artists of ALL Levels (age 12+)
Perfect for beginners who want to learn to paint or draw from still life or photo reference, or just a great space for artists who need a place to create
$50 for 2 hour class!
All Supplies Provided
*Please Register no later than 5pm the night before the class*
Click venmo or paypal links below to register for the next class or contact Brittany

Thursdays 5:30-7:30PM
Oil or Acrylic Painting​​​
This Class is For Artists of ALL Levels (age 12+)
Perfect for beginners who want to learn to paint from still life or photo reference, or just a great space for artists who need a place to create
$50 for 2 hour class!
All Supplies Provided